Marketing Committee
The Grand Granite Diaspora Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Ltd (GGDS) was registered in Kenya on 07/2020 under the Co-operative Societies Act, Cap 490 Laws of Kenya. Our objective is providing saving and investment opportunities for our members. We provide a mechanism for Kenyans residing in the United States (USA) and Kenya to save and borrow money at affordable and competitive costs. The Grand Granite Diaspora Sacco operates wholly under the Kenyan law.
- Be a Kenyan resident living abroad (diaspora), at least 18 years of age, and have a stable source of income or gainful employment
- Have a valid Kenyan passport or a Kenyan National ID and provide a colored passport size photograph.
- Provide information for a designated next of kin (nominee).
- Be able to pay one-time non-refundable membership fee of Kenya Shillings Ksh. 10,000
- Purchase a minimum of ten 10 shares each Ksh 10,000 each within 6 months of joining the SACCO to be eligible for full membership. Owning shares makes you a bona-fide member of the Sacco.
- Contribute a minimum of Ksh. 10,000 to your SACCO Savings Account monthly thereafter to borrow against.
- GDDS is based on member referral (to refer people who share our core values)
- All prospective members must be vetted by the marketing team after filling the referral form on our website “join us”
- After a successful vetting process, the prospective member must fill the online member registration application. A digital Kenyan ID or Passport, passport size photo, next of kin (one or more individuals) information. The contact information may include an ID number originating in the US or Kenya (regular ID or passport) and contact information (phone and email)
- Upon successful registration process, you must remit Kshs. 10,000 for registration fee (non-refundable)
- Build Kshs. 100,000 equity for full membership or longer.
- Build Kshs. 10,000 monthly saving contribution/deposits
- A probationary period of 6 months is mandatory for all members
The purpose of a SACCO Society is financial intermediation – bringing savers and borrowers together in a system that enables them to pool their money as savings and loaning
The total amount of money that has been deposited into the account by a member which is stated in the bylaws as “Every member shall hold at least 10 shares of Ksh 10,000 each. However, no member shall hold more than one-fifth of the total shares of the society.”
Yes, saving deposit shares qualify for future loans. The equity shares help build the SACCO in which we operate.
Savings and credits with opportunities for affordable loans or ease of access to funds needed for projects.
Please send us the email with your intent
, Our team member will contact you for further instructions
What are Grand Granite Diaspora SACCO principles?
Head of Committee

Who We Are
We are the Grand Granite Diaspora SACCO, your welcoming team and the face of the SACCO.
- *GGDS - Grand Granite Diaspora SACCO
Our Values
- Self-determination
- Mutual responsibility
- professionalism
- respect and equality
- innovation.
Our Vision
We as the *GGDS marketing team share and embrace the SACCO motto of transcending into greater financial heights motivated by our members.

Executive Summary & Objectives
GGDS offers a unique combination of premier members with different expertise and from many regions. The market team believes in research and recruiting competent individuals and members who share our SACCO’s core values. We are responsive to bylaws and members. We’re connected to our members, committees, board members, and our communities. We are a SACCO of choice in which initiatives are driven by members and the financial needs of the Diaspora and beyond. Our primary customers are our members. We build bridges for our members to gain financial freedom (competitive loans, credit, and investment). Our SACCO is known for its excellent reputation and the need to join as prospective members. Our marketing team uses a referral system (families, relatives, co-workers, and other avenues such as schools, conferences, etc.) of individuals who share Sacco values. The Sacco comprises members of diverse knowledge and various disciplines (customer service, marketing and research, management, medical and healthcare, etc.). Our marketing team utilizes the word of mouth and member referrals in member local communities and personal networking and interactions.
The marketing committee members are our regional representatives, they are our diaspora and Kenyan driving force, pace setters and they are result oriented.
Our Objectives
We energize and promote personal growth of our Grand Granite Diaspora SACCO members.
Introduction of new products and services
Provide reliable knowledge and attend to members’ needs and prospective members’ inquiries
Effective collaboration with our communities and businesses (banking institutions professionals, SACCOs, etc.)
Young Achievers Club
Provide opportunities to our children and initiate a Young Achievers Club (YAC) to inspire the young people in Kenya and the diaspora with a pathway to establish, build, and develop their financial goals.